Q: What Medical School did you attend?
A: I attended Case Western Reserve University(CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. CWRU ranks among the top 25 best medical schools in America. Having already finished a PhD in biochemistry, I loved the school's approach to early clinical experience, self-directed learning and interactive teaching. I was even able to tutor biochemistry and anatomy as a part time job during school.
Q: Where did you do your residency (surgical training)?
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
A: After medical school, I trained at the University of Cincinnati and Children's Hospital of Cincinnati. The program is a top 20 program and is number one in the world for pediatric ENT. I had world class mentors like Jack Gluckman, MD who wrote the book on thyroid cancer. Myles Pensak MD, the current chairman, was my ear mentor and remains a personal friend. He also was my choice of surgeon when my father in-law needed skull base surgery. Residency was the toughest five years of my life. In the early years, I would spend 120 hours a week at the hospital. My wife had the tougher job though, trying to raise 4 small kids with a chronically fatigued husband who was rarely at home. But great training never comes without personal and family sacrifice. I'm thankful that I went through it, but glad that I never have to face it again!
Q: What drives you?
A: I believe that God intended for me to be a physician. He gave me a combination of common sense, academic ability and coordinated hands. Everything a surgeon needs! I say that not to boast - as none of these were earned by me. They were gifts from my creator and to whom much is given, much is expected. So, I view my practice as I view my life - to be lived with thankfulness and gratitude for the many blessings I have been given. But, what I find most amazing is this - God doesn't love me because of anything I do - his love for me is unconditional. No matter what I do as a doctor, I can never repay him. He has redeemed me through the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ - who died that I might be saved. If you're not shaking your head in agreement right now, I'd love to talk to you! I would love to share with you the great love of God and explain how you can experience it too!
Q: Cardinals or Wildcats?
A: Neither and Both! Actually, I attended Xavier University where I was a huge Musketeer fan - I was even a cheerleader! So, for me Xavier is always first in my heart! I also love the Cardinals. I have season tickets and love the excitement of the Yum center! Finally, I root for the Cats - that still leaves me over 340 division one schools to root against. So, I don't really buy into the attitude that only one team is worthy of my support. I love living in Louisville, Kentucky and rooting for all of our teams! I even pull for the Boilermakers of Purdue, where I did my PhD in biochemistry and spent the first few years of my marriage.